Joe CarsonSep 16, 2020Don't Trust The Fed's Long Run Rate ForecastAt the September 15-16 Federal Open Market Committee policymakers extended their economic forecasts through the end of 2023. The updated...
Joe CarsonSep 13, 2020Liquidity Boom Fueled By Record Stimulus Has Ended: Equity Market Most Vulnerable
Joe CarsonSep 7, 2020“Averaging” Inflation Does Not Eliminate The Flaws In The Fed’s Policy Approach; It Compounds ThemFederal Reserve has spent over a year conducting a review of its monetary policy strategy, tools, and communication process. The review...
Joe CarsonSep 4, 2020Flip-Flop: Labor Markets Gain While Liquidity Flows Slow Trends in labor markets and liquidity flows are reversing. Employment continues to rebound while liquidity flows continue to slow. ...
Joe CarsonAug 31, 20202020 Drop In Operating Profits Mirrors 2008: Different Mix Shows The Need For More Fiscal Support
Joe CarsonAug 27, 2020The Fed's Policy Mistake: "Buying" More Inflation Will Lead To Financial Instability